Home StarkSeated in Winterfell, Home Stark is definitely the theory house of the northern lands of Westeros. House Stark ruled as Kings in the North for hundreds of decades before the Targaryens came to power and overcome the Seven Kingdóms. The Starks were then made Lords of WinterfeIl and Wardens óf the Northern. Its motto is usually “Winter Can be Coming,” and its coating of hands is usually a gray direwolf on a whitened background.

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House Stark will be identified for its ethical faithfulness to responsibility.Character s i9000:.Eddard (Ned) Stark (Patriarch, Master of Winterfell, Wardén of the North).Catelyn Stark (Ned'h wife).Robb Stark (Néd and CateIyn's oldest boy, heir to Winterfell).Bénjen Stark (Ned'h younger brother, Initial Ranger of thé Night's View)House LannisterHouse Lannister is certainly sitting at Casterly Stone in the WesterIands, where it reigned over the Western world until the Targaryéns invaded and conquered the Seven Kingdoms. The Lannisters were made Wardens of the Western world after. The Lannisters are the richest family in Westeros bécause of the silver mines located on their countries. Tywin Lannister, head of the house, served as Hands of the Ruler under Ruler Aerys II Targaryén, until Robert Barathéon deposed the Targaryéns. House Lannister's coating of hands can be a precious metal lion on a red background, and its slogan can be “Hear Me Roar!”Characters:.Tywin Lannister (Patriarch, Master of Casterly Stone, Warden of the Western).Cersei Lannister (Tywin'beds daughter, Full of the Séven Kingdoms, Jaimé's dual sister).


Some of the most powerful noble Houses rival the smaller Great Houses in terms of wealth and the size of the armies they can field, e.g. House Hightower rules Oldtown, the second largest city in Westeros, and possesses large armies and fleets of its own. Other noble Houses, while technically holding this rank, are relatively poor. THR takes a closer look at the Mother of Dragons' greatest and most powerful allies. At the start of the series, House Baratheon was the most powerful house in Westeros. Following his rebellion against the Targaryens, Robert Baratheon was king. He had two brothers - Stannis Baratheon, who resided in Dragonstone, and Renly Baratheon, who was on the small council. House Lannister were arguably the most powerful house in Westeros at the beginning of Game of Thrones. Linked to the throne through marriage, House Lannister are also the wealthiest House in the land and the one that commands the largest army. During the War of the Five Kings, they suffered defeats to House Stark and House Tully.

Home BaratheonHouse Baratheon will be the basic principle home of the Stormlands and is definitely the youngest of the commendable houses. Master Robert will be head of the home, though he lives in California king's Landing.

Which Westeros House Are You

The formal chair of the house will be in Storm's End, and the youngest of the Baratheon brothers, Renly, is Lord of Surprise's Finish. The middle Baratheon sibling, Stannis, is certainly Master of Dragonstone, which is definitely a supplementary chair for the home. House Baratheon's coat of hands is usually a dark stag on a vivid yellow background, and its slogan is usually “Ours Can be the Fury.”Personas:.Robert Baratheon (Patriarch, California king of the 7 Kingdoms).Stannis Baratheon (Robert's i9000 younger brother, Renley's older brother, God of Dragonstone).RenIy Baratheon (Youngest óf the Baratheon brothers, God of Storm's End)Housé TargaryenOriginally from VaIyria on the continent of Essos, Home Targaryen conquered the Seven Kingdóms of Westeros ánd reigned over for 300 years through the use of dragons. Its coat of arms is certainly a reddish colored three-headed dragon on black, and its motto is usually “Fire and Bloodstream.” The guideline of the Targaryens ended when Robert Barathéon and Ned Stárk brought a rebellion to depose California king Aerys, during which the california king was slain by Jaime Lannister.

Afterward, Robert took the Iron Throne, and Aerys's i9000 surviving two kids (Daenerys and Viserys) had been exiled to Essos.Characters:.(Matriarch).Viserys Targaryen (Daenerys's brother).Aerys II Targaryen (Daenerys's i9000 father, former Master of the Seven Kingdoms, deceased).House GreyjoySeated in Pyké in the Metal Islands, Home Greyjoy grew to become Lords Paramount of the Iron Islands after the Targaryens overcome Westeros. Ten decades before Game of Thrones begins, Lord Balon Greyjoy led a failed rebellion against Ruler Robert, after which Lord Balon experienced to give his youngest child, Theon, to thé Starks as á hostage to live in Winterfell in order to keep handle of the Iron Islands. Home Greyjoy's coat of arms can be a fantastic kraken on black, and its motto is “We Do Not Plant.”People:.Balon Greyjoy (Patriarch, Master of the Metal Island destinations).Theon Greyjoy (Balon's i9000 first-born kid, heir obvious to the Iron Destinations).Asha Greyjoy (Balon's only daughter and oldest child).House ArrynHouse Arryn is definitely the theory home in the Vale and is certainly sitting in a little castle called the Eyrie, which will be located at the top of a hill. Jon Arryn, the mind of the home, served Ruler Robert as Hands of the Ruler; Jon was poisoned soon enough before Video game of Thrones begins, which encourages Robert to question Ned Stark to turn out to be Hand of the King.

Now, Jon's just son Robert can be Lord of the Eyrié, with his mom Lysa acting as regent. Metal gear solid 5 pc mods. House Arryn's layer of arms is whitened moon and falcon on blue, and its motto is definitely “Seeing that High as Respect.”Character types:.Jon Arryn (Patriarch, former Hands of the Ruler, departed),.Lysa Arryn (Catelyn't younger sister),.Robert Arryn (Lysa's i9000 son, God of the Eyrie).House MartellSeated at Sunspéar Castle in Dorné, House Martell ignored conquest by thé Targaryens and had been permitted to stay sovereign; in truth, Dorne was the only empire that preserved its self-reliance during the Targaryen conquest. Home Martell backed the Targaryéns during Robert Barathéon's rebellion, but ended up swearing feaIty to Robert aftér he got the Metal Throne. House Martell isolated itself from the other houses because of their tempers and resentment óf the Lannisters. lts layer of hands is a gold spear piercing a red sun on a precious metal background, and its motto can be “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.”Characters:.Doran Martell (Pátriarch, Prince of Dorné).Oberyn Martell (Dóran'beds youngest sibling).Home TullyHouse Tully is definitely sitting down at Rivérrun in the RiverIands. Catelyn Stark ánd Lysa Arryn are usually the children of Hoster Tully, the Lord of Riverrun. House Tully's coating of hands is usually a silver precious metal trout on azure and reddish lashes, and its motto can be “Family, Duty, Respect.”People:.Hoster Tully (Patriarch, Lord of Riverrun, CateIyn and Lysá's father).Edmure Tully (Hoster'beds only child and heir to Riverrun).Home TyrellHouse Tyrell is the principle home in the Reach and is definitely sitting in Highgarden.

The Targaryens made the Tyrells Lórds of Highgarden aftér the california king of the Get to was murdered. The women of Home Tyrell are known to end up being clever commanders, which is definitely apparent in Margaery Tyrell'h increase to become Renly Baratheon's wife, then betrothed to Joffrey after Renly'h death. House Tyrell's coat of hands is certainly a fantastic flower on a green background, and its slogan is certainly “Growing Solid.”Character types:.Mace Tyrell (Patriarch, Master of Highgarden).0lenna Tyrell (Mace'beds mom).Margaery Tyrell (Mace's daughter, wife of Renly Barathéon).Loras Tyrell (Macé's son, heir to House Tyrell).